return { 'lilydjwg/colorizer', -- 颜色识别 { -- 类似postman的curl工具 "rest-nvim/rest.nvim", dependencies = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" } }, config = function() require("rest-nvim").setup({ --- Get the same options from Packer setup }) end }, { -- go开发 "ray-x/go.nvim", dependencies = { -- optional packages "ray-x/guihua.lua", "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", }, config = function() require("go").setup() end, event = { "CmdlineEnter" }, ft = { "go", 'gomod' }, build = ':lua require("go.install").update_all_sync()' -- if you need to install/update all binaries }, { -- 终端 'akinsho/toggleterm.nvim', version = "*", config = function() require("toggleterm").setup { -- size can be a number or function which is passed the current terminal size = 10, open_mapping = [[]], hide_numbers = true, -- hide the number column in toggleterm buffers shade_filetypes = {}, shade_terminals = true, shading_factor = 1, -- the degree by which to darken to terminal colour, default: 1 for dark backgrounds, 3 for light start_in_insert = true, insert_mappings = true, -- whether or not the open mapping applies in insert mode persist_size = true, direction = 'horizontal', } end } }