return { { 'neoclide/coc.nvim', config = function() G.opt.backup = false G.opt.writebackup = false G.opt.updatetime = 300 G.opt.signcolumn = "yes" G.g.coc_global_extensions = { 'coc-json', 'coc-pyright', 'coc-java', 'coc-sh', 'coc-sumneko-lua', 'coc-clangd', 'coc-word', 'coc-lists', 'coc-pairs', 'coc-marketplace', } local opts = { silent = true, noremap = true, expr = true, replace_keycodes = false }{ -- { "i", "", 'coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#next(1) : v:lua.check_back_space() ? "" : coc#refresh()', opts }, -- { "i", "", [[coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#prev(1) : "\"]], opts }, { "i", "", [[coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#confirm() : "\u\\=coc#on_enter()\"]], opts }, { "n", "gd", "(coc-definition)", {silent = true} }, { "n", "gy", "(coc-type-definition)", {silent = true} }, { "n", "gi", "(coc-implementation)", {silent = true} }, { "n", "gr", "(coc-references)", {silent = true} }, { "n", "rn", "(coc-rename)", {silent = true} }, { "v", "", "(coc-format-selected)", {silent = true} }, -- { "n", "", "(coc-format-selected)", {silent = true} }, }) -- local keyset = vim.keymap.set function _G.check_back_space() local col = G.fn.col('.') - 1 return col == 0 or G.fn.getline('.'):sub(col, col):match('%s') ~= nil end -- keyset("n", "[g", "(coc-diagnostic-prev)", {silent = true}) -- keyset("n", "]g", "(coc-diagnostic-next)", {silent = true}) G.api.nvim_create_augroup("CocGroup", {})"CursorHold", { group = "CocGroup", command = "silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')", desc = "Highlight symbol under cursor on CursorHold" })"FileType", { group = "CocGroup", pattern = "typescript,json", command = "setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected')", desc = "Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s)." }) -- Update signature help on jump placeholder"User", { group = "CocGroup", pattern = "CocJumpPlaceholder", command = "call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')", desc = "Update signature help on jump placeholder" }) -- Apply codeAction to the selected region -- Example: `aap` for current paragraph --local opts = {silent = true, nowait = true} --keyset("x", "a", "(coc-codeaction-selected)", opts) --keyset("n", "a", "(coc-codeaction-selected)", opts) ---- Remap keys for apply code actions at the cursor position. --keyset("n", "ac", "(coc-codeaction-cursor)", opts) ---- Remap keys for apply source code actions for current file. --keyset("n", "as", "(coc-codeaction-source)", opts) ---- Apply the most preferred quickfix action on the current line. --keyset("n", "qf", "(coc-fix-current)", opts) ---- Remap keys for apply refactor code actions. --keyset("n", "re", "(coc-codeaction-refactor)", { silent = true }) --keyset("x", "r", "(coc-codeaction-refactor-selected)", { silent = true }) --keyset("n", "r", "(coc-codeaction-refactor-selected)", { silent = true }) ---- Run the Code Lens actions on the current line --keyset("n", "cl", "(coc-codelens-action)", opts) ---- Map function and class text objects ---- NOTE: Requires 'textDocument.documentSymbol' support from the language server --keyset("x", "if", "(coc-funcobj-i)", opts) --keyset("o", "if", "(coc-funcobj-i)", opts) --keyset("x", "af", "(coc-funcobj-a)", opts) --keyset("o", "af", "(coc-funcobj-a)", opts) --keyset("x", "ic", "(coc-classobj-i)", opts) --keyset("o", "ic", "(coc-classobj-i)", opts) --keyset("x", "ac", "(coc-classobj-a)", opts) --keyset("o", "ac", "(coc-classobj-a)", opts) ---- Remap and to scroll float windows/popups -----@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local --local opts = {silent = true, nowait = true, expr = true} --keyset("n", "", 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : ""', opts) --keyset("n", "", 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : ""', opts) --keyset("i", "", -- 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? "=coc#float#scroll(1)" : ""', opts) --keyset("i", "", -- 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? "=coc#float#scroll(0)" : ""', opts) --keyset("v", "", 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(1) : ""', opts) --keyset("v", "", 'coc#float#has_scroll() ? coc#float#scroll(0) : ""', opts) ---- Use CTRL-S for selections ranges ---- Requires 'textDocument/selectionRange' support of language server --keyset("n", "", "(coc-range-select)", {silent = true}) --keyset("x", "", "(coc-range-select)", {silent = true}) ---- Add `:Format` command to format current buffer --vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Format", "call CocAction('format')", {}) ---- " Add `:Fold` command to fold current buffer --vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Fold", "call CocAction('fold', )", {nargs = '?'}) ---- Add `:OR` command for organize imports of the current buffer --vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("OR", "call CocActionAsync('runCommand', 'editor.action.organizeImport')", {}) ---- Add (Neo)Vim's native statusline support ---- NOTE: Please see `:h coc-status` for integrations with external plugins that ---- provide custom statusline: lightline.vim, vim-airline --vim.opt.statusline:prepend("%{coc#status()}%{get(b:,'coc_current_function','')}") ---- Mappings for CoCList ---- code actions and coc stuff -----@diagnostic disable-next-line: redefined-local --local opts = {silent = true, nowait = true} ---- Show all diagnostics --keyset("n", "a", ":CocList diagnostics", opts) ---- Manage extensions --keyset("n", "e", ":CocList extensions", opts) ---- Show commands --keyset("n", "c", ":CocList commands", opts) ---- Find symbol of current document --keyset("n", "o", ":CocList outline", opts) ---- Search workspace symbols --keyset("n", "s", ":CocList -I symbols", opts) ---- Do default action for next item --keyset("n", "j", ":CocNext", opts) ---- Do default action for previous item --keyset("n", "k", ":CocPrev", opts) ---- Resume latest coc list --keyset("n", "p", ":CocListResume", opts) end, }, }